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D. Zahavi and D. Puf-zahavi, Husserl No Genshogaku. 261 s. Koyo Shobo Husserl's Intersubjective Transformation of Transcendental Philosophy. i: The New Husserl: A Critical Reader s. 233-254, PUF Zahavi, D.: Husserl's Phenomenology, 2003.

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D. Zahavi, Metafyzická neutralita v Logických zkoumáních. i: Fenomenologie v Pohybu s. 149-163 Vydala Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2003.

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P. Heinämaa, S. Ruin, H. Zahavi, and D. , Phenomenology in the Nordic Countries: An Introduction. i: Metaphysics, Facticity, Interpretation

P. Zahavi and D. , Refleksiv faenomenologi vs. hermeneutisk faenomenologi. i: Den unge Heidegger s. 63-88

G. Puf-christense-n and D. Zahavi, Subjektivitet og naturalisering. i: Subjektivitet og videnskab s. 5-13

P. Zahavi, D. Christense-n, and G. , Subjektivitet og Naturalisering: En Introduktion. i: Subjektivitet og Videnskab: Bevidsthedsforskning i det 21. århundrede s. 5-12 Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 2003.

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A. Ipseity, Indisciplinary Approaches to Intersubjectivity s. 137-152, pp.92-93, 2004.

P. Zahavi and D. , 10-11, s. 66-87 Back to Brentano? i: Hidden Resources. Classical perspectives on subjectivity s. 66-87 Imprint Academic, Journal of Consciousness, vol.11, p.10, 2004.

B. Empathy, Phenomenological Approaches to Intersubjectivity. i: Phenomenology. Critical Concepts in Philosophy Vol. II s. 179-200

P. Routledge and D. Zahavi, Body and Nature. Husserl Studies 20/1, s. 89-97, PUF Zahavi, D.: Editorial Introduction: The Study of Consciousness and the Reinvention of the Wheel, 2004.

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P. Zahavi and D. , Classical perspectives on subjectivity s. iv-viii Imprint Academic Hands with a mind of their own. 10s. The Times Literary Supplement, 2004.

D. Zahavi, Natural Realism, Anti-reductionism, and Intentionality. The 'Phenomenology
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D. Zahavi, Introduction: Subjectivity in the center or back to basics, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, vol.3, issue.3, pp.229-234
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D. Zahavi and T. Grünbaum, The ambiguity of self-consciousness: A preface

P. Zahavi and D. , Interdisciplinary Perspectives s The embodied self-awareness of the infant: A challenge to the theory-theory of mind? i: The Structure and Development of Self- Consciousness, 2004.

P. Zahavi, D. Overgaard, and S. , Faenomenologisk sociologi: Hverdagslivets subjekt. i: Hverdagslivet -Sociologier om det upåagtede s. 165-193

P. Zahavi and D. , Inner time-consciousness and pre-reflective self- awareness. i: Edmund Husserl -Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers III s. 299-324 Routledge, 2005.

S. Gallagher and D. Zahavi, Phenomenological approaches to self-consciousness. -s. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2005.

L. Review and . Alweiss, The World Unclaimed: A Challenge to Heidegger's Critique of Husserl, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, vol.13, issue.1, pp.131-134, 2005.

K. Gyldendal and D. Zahavi, Subjectivity and Selfhood: Investigating the First- Person Perspective

M. Cambrige and D. Zahavi, Talking faiths. The Times Literary Supplement, viii + 265 s, 2005.

P. Zahavi and D. , Der Theorie-Theorie Versuch zum kindlichen Autismus: Eine phänomenologische Kritik. i: Mensch -Leben -Technik: Aktuelle Beiträge zur phänomenologischen Anthropologie. s. 271-283, J

&. Jonas, P. Lembeck, and D. Zahavi, Königshausen & Neumann Edmund Husserl: Hvordan verden traeder frem. i: Filosofi og Arkitektur s. 7-18, 2006.

P. Zahavi and D. , Merleau-Ponty on Husserl: a reappraisal. i: Merleau-Ponty -Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, Filozofska Istrazivanja, vol.102, pp.319-337, 2006.

P. Kultur-og-klasse, D. Zahavi, and D. Puf-zahavi, Thinking about (self-)consciousness: Phenomenological perspectives. i: Self-Representational Approaches to Consciousness s. 273-295 Two takes on a one-level account of consciousness, REX Zahavi, Dan Intentionalität und Konstitution : eine Einführung in Husserls Logische Untersuchungen / Dan Zahavi Copenhagen : Museum Tusculanum, 1992 REX Zahavi, Dan Subjektivitet og livsverden i Husserls faenomenologi / redigeret, oversat og indledt ved Dan Zahavi Aarhus : Modtryk, 1994 REX Zahavi, Dan Husserl und die transzendentale Intersubjektivität : eine Antwort auf die sprachpragmatische Kritik Dordrecht : Kluwer, pp.74-94, 1996.

D. Zahavi, Alterity and facticity : new perspectives on Husserl, 1998.

R. Zahavi, Dan Self-awareness, temporality, and alterity : central topics in phenomenology, 1998.

R. Zahavi, Dan Self-awareness and alterity : a phenomenological investigation, 1999.

R. Zahavi and D. , Exploring the self : philosophical and psychopathological perspectives on self-experience, 2000.
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R. Zahavi, Dan Husserl and transcendental intersubjectivity : a response to the linguistic-pragmatic critique / Dan Zahavi, 2001.

R. Zahavi, . Dan, and . Stjernfelt, Frederik One hundred years of phenomenology : Husserl's Logical investigations revisited, 2002.

G. Christense-n, Subjektivitet og videnskab : bevidsthedsforskning i det 21, 2003.

S. F. Overgaard, Den unge Heidegger, 2003.

R. Zahavi, Dan Hidden resources : classical perspectives on subjectivity, Imprint Academic, pp.96-97, 2004.

R. Zahavi, . Dan, T. Grünbaum, R. Parnas, . Zahavi et al., Josef The structure and development of self-consciousness : interdisciplinary perspectives Joseph Parnas Amsterdam-; Ruin, Hans Metaphysics, facticity, interpretation : phenomenology in the Nordic countries, REX Zahavi, Dan Subjectivity and selfhood : investigating the firstperson perspective, 1960.

M. Cambridge and . Zahavi, Dan Exploring the self : Ebrary [udgiver] : PrioInfo [udbyder], 2005.

R. Grèunbau-m, . Thor, J. ;. Parnas, and . Zahavi, Dan Structure and development of self-consciousness, The : Ebrary [udgiver] : PrioInfo [udbyder]