A. Works-by-rasmus-rask, ?. Rask, and R. , Vejledning til det Islandske eller gamle Nordiske Sprog [Introduction to the Icelandic or the old Norse language, 1811.

R. Rask, Anvisning till Isländskan eller Nordiska Fornspråket. Stockholm: Wiborg. [Rask's own transl. and revision of the above into Swedish

R. Rask, Undersögelse om det gamle Nordiske eller Islandske Sprogs Oprindelse [Investigation of the old Norse language or the origins of Old Icelandic]. Kjöbenhavn: Gyldendal. [The original version of the prize essay

R. Rask, 1819. ?Om det gamla, äkta Grekiska Uttalet? Swensk Litteraturtidning (Uppsala) [Swedish translation of the original, pp.737-747, 1819.

R. Rask, ?Über die thrakische Sprachklasse? Vergleichungstafeln der Europäischen Stammsprachen ed. by J[ohann] S[everin] Vater, 1-132, pp.159-302, 1822.
DOI : 10.1017/cbo9780511695292.003

R. Rask, Forsøg til en videnskabelig Dansk Retskrivningslaere [An attempt at a scientific treatment of Danish orthography, 1826.

R. Rask, Samlede til dels forhen utrykte Afhandlinger (by his half brother) of almost all that Rask published during his lifetime, pp.1834-1838

R. Rask, A Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse Tongue. Translated by Sir George Webbe Dasent. London: William Pickering; Frankfort/Main: Jaeger's Library. [Translation of Rask 1818a, 1843.

R. Rask, Udvalgte Afhandlinger København: Levin & Munksgaard. [Vol. I contains Hjelmslev's corrected version of Rask 1818b and both Pedersen's and Hjelmslev's introductions; vol. III contains Hjelmslev's commentaries to the selected papers, a terminological index and his complete bibliography of printed works by Rask, 1932.

R. Rask, Breve fra og til Rasmus Rask I-II [Letters from and to Rasmus Rask], Louis Hjelmslev. 2 vols. København: Ejnar Munksgaard (for the Danske Sprog-og Litteraturselskab). [Cited as Letters I-II, 1941.

R. Rask, Breve fra og til Rasmus Rask III,1-2 [Letters from and to Rasmus Rask1-2] København: Munksgaards forlag (for the Danske Sprog-og Litteraturselskab). [III,1 contains commentary to Letters I and II; III,2 contains person and subject indexes and a complete catalogue of Rask's manuscripts, pp.1-2, 1968.

R. Rask, A Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse Tongue. [New edition of Rask 1843, with preface, introduction, bibliographies and notes by T, Markey.] (= Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics, 2.) Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1976.

R. Rask, Photographic reprint of Rask 1818b as Foundations of Indo- European Comparative Philology, 1800?1850 ed. Roy Harris, volume II, 1999.

O. Amsterdamska, Schools of Thought: The development of linguistics from Bopp to Saussure, 1987.
DOI : 10.1007/978-94-009-3759-8

P. Andersen, ?Rasmus Rask?. Fra Rask til Wimmer: Otte Foredrag om Modersmaalsforskere i det 19 Aarhundrede udgivne af Selskab for Nordisk Filologi [Eight lectures on students of the mother tongue from the 19th century published by the Society for Nordic Philology, pp.7-33, 1937.

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M. Bjerrum, Rasmus Rasks afhandlinger om det danske sprog: Bidrag til forståelse af Rasks taenkning [Rasmus Rask's treatises on the Danish language: Contributions to the understanding of Rask's thinking], 1959.

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W. Carey, 1806. A Grammar of the Sungskrrit Language

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P. Diderichsen, Rasmus Rask og den grammatiske tradition Studier over vendepunktet i sprogvidenskabens historie [Rasmus Rask and the grammatical tradition: Studies on the turning point in the history of linguistics]. (= Historiskfilosofiske Meddelelser udgivet af Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, .) København: Ejnar Munksgaard. [German transl. by Monika Wesemann, Rasmus Rask und die grammatische Tradition, 1960.

P. Diderichsen, ?The Foundation of Comparative Linguistics: Revolution or continuation??. Diderichsen,Helhed og struktur, Gad 1966. [Another version in Hymes, pp.340-363, 1964.

P. Diderichsen, Sprogsyn og sproglig opdragelse [Views on language and linguistic education], 1968.

N. Ege, ?Le signe linguistique est arbitraire?, Recherches structurales, pp.11-29, 1949.

N. Ege, Leonard Bloomfield's strukturlingvistiske teori, dens stilling i sprogvidenskabens historie og dens rolle i nutiden [The structural linguistic theory of Leonard Bloomfield, its position in the history of linguistics and its role in contemporary linguistics], 1957.

N. Ege, ?Introduction to Glossematics?, Studies in Descriptive and Applied Linguistics (= Bulletin of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, pp.17-41, 1965.

E. Fischer-jørgensen, Letter to Niels Ege, 1952.

H. Forster, Essay on the Principles of Sanscrit Grammar. Part 1 [no part further part was published], 1810.

O. Frank, Grammatica sanscrita, nunc primum in Germania, 1823.

F. Gregersen, ?Videnskabshistorisk empiri ? analyse af enkeltvaerker. (Om Rasmus Rasks danske retskrivningslaere)? [Empirical studies in the history of science ? analysis of single works (On Rasmus Rask's treatise on the orthography of Danish)], Skrifter i Anvendt og, Institut for anvendt og matematisk lingvistik, 1980.

F. Gregersen, ?The Conspiracy against Letters? Culture and History 2.80- 95, Repr. in Gregersen, Københavnsk sociolingvistik, pp.33-47, 1987.

J. Grimm, Deutsche Grammatik. Part I, 1822.

R. Henrichsen, 1861. ?Rasmus Rasks Skoleliv [Rasmus Rask's school life]?. Indbydelsesskrift til Afgangsexamen og Hovedexamen i Odense Cathedralskole i, Aaret, vol.1861, pp.3-21

L. Hjelmslev, ?Udgiverens forord [The editor's preface]?, Rask, vol.1932, pp.ix- xii, 1932.

L. Hjelmslev, ?Rasmus Rask og Sverige 1812?1818 belyst ved hans breve til A. A. Afzelius [Rasmus Rask and Sweden 1812?1818, elucidated by his letters to A. A, Afzelius]?. Nordisk Tidsskrift, vol.9, pp.6-445, 1933.

L. Hjelmslev, ?Commentaires sur la vie et l'oeuvre de Rasmus Rask?. Conférences de l'Institut de linguistique de l, pp.143-57, 1951.

W. Humboldt and . Von, 1822. ?Ueber die in der Sanskrit-Sprache durch die Suffixa twâ und ya gebildeten Verbalformen?, pp.360-419, 1905.

D. H. Hymes, Studies in the History of Linguistics: Traditions and paradigms, 1974.

J. Ihre, Glossarium Suiogothicum in quo tam hodierno usu frequentata vocabula, quam in legum patriarum tabulis aliisque aevi medii scriptis obvia explicantur, et ex dialectis cognatis, 1769.

H. Jacobsen and . Galberg, Ret og skrift: Officiel dansk retskrivning 1739?2005, [Right and writing: Official Danish orthography 1739?, Studies in Scandinavian Languages and Literatures 95 = Dansk Sprognaevns skrifter, p.42, 2005.

O. Jespersen, Rasmus Rask i Hundredåret efter hans hovedvaerk [Rasmus Rask at the centenary of his major work]. (Folkets førere, udg. af Fred, Nørgaard og Anders Uhrskov.) København: Gyldendal, 1918.

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A. Lomholt, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab 1742?1942: Samlinger til selskabets historie I [The Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters 1742?1942. Collections to the history of the Academy I], 1942.

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T. L. Markey, ?Rasmus Kristian Rask: His life and work?, Rask, vol.1976, pp.xv-lii, 1976.

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H. Pedersen, Linguistic Science in the 19th Century. Transl. John Webster Spargo (Paperback reprint as The Discovery of Language, 1931.

H. Pedersen, ?Indledning [Introduction]?, Rask, vol.1932, pp.xiii-xv, 1932.

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M. Petersen and C. Säve, A contribution to the history of Scandinavianism and Nordic philology]

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J. Rasmussen, 1819. [On the Wallich donation of manuscripts to the Library of the University of Copenhagen]. Dansk Litteratur-Tidende for Aaret 1819, pp.105-112

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J. Rischel, ?The Contribution of the Nordic Countries to Historical- Comparative Linguistics: Rasmus Rask and his followers?. The Nordic Languages: An international handbook of the history of the North Germanic languages ed, pp.124-133, 2002.

R. Robins, A Short History of Linguistics, London: Longmans, 1967.

F. Rönning and V. Valdemar, Rasmus Kristian Rask: Et Mindeskrift i Anledning af Hundredårsdagen for hans Fødsel [Rasmus Kristian Rask; A commemorative volume on the occasion of his centenary], 1887.

F. Schlegel, Über die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier Ein Beitrag zur Begründung der Alterthumskunde. Nebst metrischen Übersetzungen indischer Gedichte. Heidelberg. (Reprinted as Vol. I of Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics, with an Introduction by, 1808.

E. Slottved, Laerestole og laerere ved Københavns Universitet 1537?1977 [University chairs and teachers at the University of Copenhagen 1537?1977], 1978.

S. Sonderegger, ?Rasmus Kristian Rask und die Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm?, 1986.

H. Svendsen and . Marie, Rudimenter af R.: Roman [Fragments of R.: A novel], 2009.

S. Thomason, &. Grey, and . Kaufman, Language Contact, Creolization and Genetic Linguistics, 1988.

V. Thomsen, 1887. ?Rasmus Kristian Rask (1787?1887)?. Nordisk Tidsskrift (Letterstedtska) 1887: 593-606. (Repr, Gyldendal 1919.) [German translation in Bezzenbergers Beiträge zur Kunde der Indogermanischen Sprachen 14, pp.125-144, 1889.

V. Thomsen, Sprogvidenskabens Historie En kortfattet Fremstilling af dens Hovedpunkter [The history of linguistics: A brief account of its main points]. (=Indbydelsesskrift til Kjøbenhavns Universitets Aarsfest i Anledning af H.M.Kongens Fødselsdag den 8, pp.1-106, 1902.

T. Thrane, V. Winge, and L. Mackenzie, Typology and Genetics of Language: Proceedings of the Rask-Hjelmslev Symposium held at the University of Copenhagen 3rd, Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague, 20.) Copenhagen: The Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen, 1979.

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