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. Fig, al-khidr Stratigraphic slices (top and 3D views) of trenches 22S and 22t with associated stratigraphic layers (picture: S. ?tolc

. Fig, al-khidr Stratigraphic slices (top and 3D views) of trenches 22S and 22t with associated stratigraphic layers (picture: S. ?tolc

. Fig, al-khidr Stratigraphic slices (top and 3D views) of trenches 22S and 22t with associated stratigraphic layers (picture: S. ?tolc

. Fig, al-khidr Stratigraphic slices (top and 3D views) of trenches 22S and 22t with associated stratigraphic layers (picture: S. ?tolc

. Fig, al-khidr Stratigraphic slices (top and 3D views) of trenches 22S and 22t with associated stratigraphic layers (picture: S. ?tolc

. Fig, al-khidr Stratigraphic slices (top and 3D views) of trenches 22S and 22t with associated stratigraphic layers (picture: S. ?tolc

. Fig, al-khidr Stratigraphic slices (top and 3D views) of trenches 22S and 22t with associated stratigraphic layers (picture: S. ?tolc

. Fig, al-khidr Stratigraphic slices (top and 3D views) of trenches 22S and 22t with associated stratigraphic layers (picture: S. ?tolc

. Fig, al-khidr. trenches 22S and 22t. Stone walls, stone concentrations, plaster and bitumen layers relations (picture: S. ?tolc

. Fig, al-khidr. trenches 22S and 22t. Stone walls, stone concentrations, shell layers and mixed shell-potery-bitumen layers relations (picture: S. ?tolc