Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2021

मानवी विकास आणि सरकारी धोरण

Human Development and Government Policy


UNDP first published the Human Development Report in 1990 in collaboration with economist Mehboob Haque, who is credited as the promoter of the VKP Index. The most important aspects of the CPI index are longevity, healthy living, educational attainment and quality of life, among others. Political independence, human rights testimony and self-respect are the various elements. That is. 1) Life expectancy at birth. 2) Level of education. (Rate of adult education, rate of primary, secondary, higher education) 3) The standard of living. (Lack of per capita based on NAC) The VKP index is averaged based on the maximum and minimum values ​​of these three elements. According to the report, India was ranked 126th in the CPI index in 2006. In 2008, Maxine Olson, India's Representative to India, and Motek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, published the Human Development Report in Delhi, which ranked India 128th and 619th. Compared to 2006, India has slipped two places. The National Human Development Report is published by the Government of India with the assistance of the Planning Commission. The Human Development Report was published in 2001. The Planning Commission, while preparing the National Human Development Report, relied on new indicators different from the NPC's VP indicators.
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Rakshit Madan Bagde. Human Development and Government Policy. 2021. ⟨hprints-03327687⟩
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